Southside Community

Acoustic Nations Live CIC purchased the former St Katherine’s Church on Colegrave Street, Lincoln, with the intention of creating an event space for our community. That ambition drives us forward every day!
The area of Lincoln we inhabit has very few places where substantial numbers of people can meet – that may mean anything from a yoga class to a wedding reception and after-party, helping communities come together and celebrate the milestones of life, as well as learning, creating and being entertained.
Naturally we offer special rates for groups, but we also support musicians from our diverse community (alongside our colleagues in Acoustic Nations Ltd) while also providing facilities for a wide range of activities from mostly disadvantaged groups ranging from ethnic schools to Irish dancing. In addition to our usual facilities we also try to offered a “warm place” to these communities as well as the immediate local community.
Acoustic Nations Live CIC aims to be at the beating heart of our community, helping it thrive!